Do you need Volunteers?

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Office volunteers

At the Volunteer Centre we have a vast array of opportunities available to volunteer locally. We match hundreds of volunteers with charities and clubs where they can make a difference to the quality of lives of people locally. From sports clubs to social care, we have a myriad of choice that allows us to match offers to need quickly and efficiently.

We can support organisations to plan a volunteer recruitment campaign and support you with promoting your opportunities. We can even advise you on volunteer induction and management with the Six Point Promise approach. This helps you build the quality of your volunteers as well as increasing the numbers you have.

With such a wide range of options open, we can support with short-term volunteering, micro volunteering, and long-term support. We can help young people to become a part of their community and/or complete their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, and we can support retirees to plan a purposeful retirement that occupies their time constructively. Whether you are young, old or somewhere in between, volunteering is a way for you to make your difference and more importantly have fun.

Do You Need Volunteers?

Register your Organisation

We have 100s of volunteers all interviewed, checked, ready and willing to help out. Just let us know what roles you have available and we will connect you.

We are here to help you with your volunteering policies and procedures and can offer support to gain the “Six Point Promise” quality standard in volunteer management.

If you are not a member, contact us to find out how we can help you find volunteers.

Click here to register your organisation or log in or email for more information.

If anything is of interest, email us at with a copy of your photo I.D, mobile phone number +  names and contact details of 2 references.