Partnerships, Social Prescribing, and Dacortium
Community Action Dacorum believes that as a voluntary sector we are stronger together than individually. Our sector is made up of experts in socially responsible fields and some of the best people in Hertfordshire to lead on community cohesion are in the sector.
We encourage our members to build partnerships that provide the best possible services to Dacorum residents. Through our Communities Team, we bring together charities that would otherwise not meet to form partnerships that address social issues.
Charity support
We support charities to be a part of multi-organisational groups like Dacortium where they can forge allegiances with others and bid for money together. With resources limited, it is far better to create a project that uses the current assets in our community to their fullest. We are always pleased to bring organisations together, to find partners, and even to be a part of a joint project where we can add value.
Through Dacortium, we also support HCNS to deliver the Community Navigators and Link Workers in Dacorum. Community Action Dacorum has a vast experience of the voluntary sector in the borough and uses that to inform social prescribers of the current opportunities available to support residents with their health.
To discuss partnerships further contact