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Change a life with Staying Connected

August 12, 2024

The Staying Connected project has transformed lives of those that were living in digital exclusion and not able to contact friends and family or make doctors appointments and access benefits on line.

Jaikaar worked hard and provided very well for his wife and their three children. The family were able to take regular holidays back to India to see their family. Life was sweet. Then, one night in 2017, as Jaikaar was crossing the road on his way home after his night shift, he was hit by a car. The driver didn’t stop. Jaikaar survived, but his injuries were life changing. Life had suddenly become nightmarishly difficult and finance was extremely tight. With the family in India, Jaikaar’s wife had no-one to help her with her husband or her children. Her caring duties were strenuous the lifting has left her with two crushed two vertebrae. She too is now in constant pain. Jaikaar was provided with a tablet and connectivity through the Staying Connected project and he can now hold the Tablet and speak to his family in India. When our Digital Champion asked Jaikaar about the benefit of seeing his family, he looked at them with painfilled eyes, with tears rolling down his cheeks. He can’t touch his family, but at least he can see them.

The Staying Connected project has been selected to participate in the Big Give’s Christmas Challenge. That means that every donation made to our campaign via during the month of August will be doubled. That’s right – DOUBLED.

A £200 donation would mean that we could train 4 more volunteers as Digital Champions to help people get connected and train them how to use their laptop or tablet, and therefore change many more lives like Jaikaar.

The minimum pledge is £100, so whatever you can give, no matter the size, every donation will make double the difference in supporting us to deliver our digital inclusion project Staying Connected.

To have your donation to Community Action Dacorum matched, please donate on from 

03/12/2024, 12:00 – 10/12/2024, 12:00

What can you do now?

● Go to this link to make your pledge and show your support

● We’d doubly appreciate it if you could share the campaign with your friends, family or social networks – anyone who may be interested in helping this amazing cause and having their donation doubled!

“We are absolutely thrilled to take part in the Christmas Challege,” said Dr Simon Aulton, CEO of Community Action Dacorum. “The funding we receive will enable us to continue our mission of bridging the digital divide in Hertfordshire, helping more people to stay connected and engaged with their communities.”

Cindy Withey, Head of Employability at Community Action Dacorum said:

“This year we’re looking to raise a total of £3,000. We hope everyone will give generously to help us reach our target and enable us to carry on the work we all feel so passionately about.”

To make a pledge visit

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