Board of Trustees

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Board of trustees – profiles

Colin Gage

Colin Gage – Chair

Chairman of the Trustee Board and Co-chair of Remuneration Committee and provides advice and support on CAD financial strategy. Member of the Officers and F&GP committees, Director of DCVS(Trading) Limited. 

Retired Bank Executive with over 35 years Financial Services experience in the City of London. Much involved in Charity sector. Former Treasurer of The Hospice of St Francis and currently Trustee on the Diocesan Board of Finance of St Albans Diocese of the Church of England. Has lived in Leverstock Green for over 30 years and is a life-long Spurs fan. 

Peter Ashman

Peter Ashman – Vice Chairman

Chair of the Employability Committee, Member of the Executive and Finance and General Purposes committees.

Peter became a Trustee in December 2022. He is a highly experienced Trustee having served both as Board member and Chair of several charitable and not for profit organisations.  

Peter’s previous career was in scholarly publishing, and he was CEO of the multi-national healthcare information and education company BMJ which publishes the flagship British Medical Journal. 

Peter lives in Tring and is married to Jane who is an osteopath – they enjoy travelling and walking. Every Sunday morning, Peter can be heard on CAD’s very own Radio Dacorum, presenting The Golden Oldies Show. 

Margaret Griffiths

Margaret Griffiths – Vice Chair

Vice Chairman of the Trustee Board and Chair of the Wellbeing Committee.  Margaret sits on the Executive, Finance and General Purposes, and Officers Committees. Margaret is the trustee with lead responsibility for Safeguarding.

Married to Michael with a son and daughter who have both flown the nest.  She has lived in Hemel Hempstead since 1983, originally from Watford.  Margaret was a Customer Services Manager and was a Dacorum Borough Councillor for 32 years, 24 of which she was Deputy Leader of the council.  She is also a Trustee of Leverstock Green Village Association and Treasurer of 4th Boxmoor Scout Group. 

James Lowe – Honorary Treasurer

Honorary Treasurer and member of the Executive, Finance and General Purposes, and Officers committees.

CFO with substantial commercial experience, operating at board level, my roles have included: responsibility for organisational strategy, change management and systems, in international companies within the business services, consumer products and commodities sectors. Experienced in not-for-profit sector including a variety of charity Trustee positions. 

William Allen

William Allen

Chair of the Communities Committee, Member of the Executive and Finance and General Purposes committees.

William has been a trustee since 2022 and currently sits on the Communities Committee.  In William’s career supporting disadvantaged young people in many roles in the voluntary and public sectors he has at various times been an employee, tenant and partner of CAD.  He currently teaches history at a local Special School and is a Borough Councillor representing Boxmoor ward.  As well as currently being Mayor, he has sat on the Health in Dacorum committee for several years and is Dacorum Borough Council’s representative on Dacorum Heritage Trust.  He is also active in the local community serving on the committee of Boxmoor Good Neighbours, supporting local cricket clubs and running the monthly charity quiz at the Post Office Arms in Boxmoor. 

Chris Dove

Chris Dove

Member of the Executive, and Finance and General Purposes committees.  Chris is a Director of our independent trading company DCVS(Trading) Ltd

Worked for the UK subsidiary of a large international company and was for some years Finance Director of a European Business Unit.  He joined CAD as a Trustee in March 2016. Lives in Aldbury and enjoys golf. 

Terry Douris

Terry Douris

Terry is a member of the Executive Committee and an independent Director of DCVS(Trading) Limited.

Terry is an independent Director of DCVS(Trading) Limited. He has previously represented the Hire Industry as it’s Association Chairman. He has had significant experience in Education as the Chair of Governors of 2 Hemel Hempstead schools and was the Cabinet Member for Education and Libraries at Hertfordshire County Council where he is now Chairman of the Council having previously been the Mayor of Dacorum for 2 years. He is a director of an Audio-Visual Company in Hemel Hempstead. 

Richard Milnes

Richard Milnes


Member of the Executive and Finance and General Purposes Committees, Chair of the Radio Dacorum steering group, and is a Director of our independent trading company DCVS(Trading) Ltd.


Richard became a Trustee in December 2023.He worked in the Film & Television Industry for just over 45 years, holding senior positions in Companies such as Warner Bros. International TV [Managing Director & Vice President], Channel5 International [CEO], Thorn EMI Screen Entertainment [Director of International Sales], Weintraub Entertainment [Senior Vice President & Managing Director] United Artists, Granada, & others. Since retiring, Richard has been very involved in one of his greatpassions–rugby…President of Old Albanian Rugby Club for the past eleven years [Chairman for three years from 2003-2006], & Chairman of Hertfordshire Rugby Football Union 2012-2017. He is currently a Trustee of Old Albanian Sports Association. Other leisureactivities include golf & skiing. Richard has two Sons & three Grandchildren.

Shahid Mushtaq

Shahid is a member of the Executive Committee.

Shahid is a director of Hemel Car Sales ltd.

Richard Roberts

Member of the Executive, Finance and General Purposes committees, and Officers’ Group. 

Richard is Leader of Hertfordshire County Council.  Prior to this, Richard has served as the portfolio holder for adult social care and health, was executive lead for Children and their services and before that took the lead on Partnerships and Performance. CAD works with the Parish, Borough and County Councils and it is in that context Richard is involved most closely. 

Before becoming involved in local politics Richard worked in the oil industry, is married and has two daughters 

Doug Root

Doug Root

Trustee Lead on Diversity and Repair Shed projects.  Member of the F&GP Committee. Co-chairs the Remuneration sub-committee.

As Chair of the Repair Sheds steering group, Doug oversees the progress and development of this project. Doug held senior positions in a large multi-national company primarily in the fields of Human Resources and Business Development. He has a keen interest in the charity sector and has been a trustee of various local charities. He is married and much involved with his grandchildren of various ages. They live in Boxmoor, where Doug still tries to maintain a reasonable golf handicap! 

Sally Symington

Sally joined the board of Community Action Dacorum in December 2022. She is a member of the Executive; the Finance and General Purposes Committee; and the Wellbeing Committee. 

Sally is a politician and Board Member with a background in Investment Management. She has lived in Dacorum since 1997. A mother of four, she enjoys walking her dog and horse riding in her spare time. 

Helen Young

Member of the Executive and Finance and General Purposes committees.  Helen sits on the Employability Committee and the HR Group. She is also a member of the Connect Dacorum steering committee.


Helen is a solicitor specialising in civil litigation. She hails from the East Midlands but has lived in Dacorum for a number of years with her family and enjoys giving back to the local community. Helen was appointed as a trustee of CAD in December 2021 and has previously been a governor of a local secondary school.

Helen enjoys spending time outside with her family and exploring new places.

HITS Independent Directors 

Tup Dutta

Tup Dutta

Tup is an independent Director of DCVS(Trading) Limited. 

Tup was appointed to the HITS Board as Non-Executive Director in 2020 where his experience of working 40 years in the NHS was of value to the Board as the Charity worked so closely with the NHS. His management experience stems from being Vice Chairman of the Advisory Medical Board to West Hertfordshire Health Authority which oversaw delivery of NHS services across the West Herts district.  Tup is married with 3 children; he retired as a local Apsley GP and still play competitive tennis at Leverstock Green as well as work regularly at the local library run entirely by volunteers. 

Trustee Information

Annual Report 2023

Read our full Annual Report for 2023

Key Highlights for Community Action Dacorum